速報APP / 遊戲 / VR Experiences: Universe

VR Experiences: Universe





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



VR Experiences: Universe(圖1)-速報App

Become an astronaut working in the International Space Station.

VR Experiences: Universe(圖2)-速報App

Travel thorugh its modules proppelling yourself with a jetpack and go out into outer space. You'll be able to see the immensity of the Earth from the space station.

VR Experiences: Universe(圖3)-速報App

Experience the real power of Virtual and Immersive Reality (VR) for free and feel how majestic and blue our planet looks from the space station.

VR Experiences: Universe(圖4)-速報App

Press the button on your VR to boost your jetpack and head to where you're looking and release it to slow down until you stop.

VR Experiences: Universe(圖5)-速報App

Connect your headphones to a smartphone and complete your experience.